Our Episodes
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Episode 1
We delve into why we have the podcast.
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Who we are & what the podcast is about
Episode 2
Are you as smart as a 5th Grader? If so, you probably already know all you need to finance your business

You can raise money without having a MBA, or hiring one
Episode 3
How the 867 Foundation was born.

A chance meeting at a pitch competition is the beginning of our story.
Episode 4
The Carthage SLB and how it works.

Did you know you can raise money without using Venture Capital? Seriously, you can!
Episode 5
COVID is nasty, but you do have alternatives. Listen to find out

Is your capital in a COVID Crisis?
Episode 6
Unicorns aren't always what they are cracked up to be. Who is a better contender?

Camels vs Unicorns. Who will survive the longest?
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